As a Greater Chicagoan, I've certianly noticed that the eyes and middle fingers of the country have been pointed at us for the past week, ever since I broke* the story of Governor Rod Blagojevich's arrest for, among other things, shaking down a children's hospital and selling the seat of Senator Barack Obama (D-IL, retired) to the highest bidder.
Friends from all over the country have been busting my hump at what a mess the State of Illinois' political system is in.
It's always been this way. Greater Chicago and the state as a whole have always been under the thumb of a corrupt outfit, often called the "Chicago Machine."
So, laugh it up, the USA...guess who you dumbasses just elected to run the country.
*Upon hearing of Blagojevich's arrest from my illustrious inside source--WLS AM 890--I immediately called my old drinking buddy Sorry Bill, thus breaking the story.